30. Apr – 08. May 2019

Having arrived in Portoviejo with a German family who was so kind to take me with them to the coast, I was a bit stuck when having been told that the last bus to Puerto Lopez had been cancelled. Thus, I jumped on a bus to Manta without further ado and stayed in an apartment there for the night (Tu casa en Manta). The next day, I walked along the harbor and had a nice lunch at the beach before finally going to Puerto Lopez with a short stopover in Montecristi where the Panama hat had been invented a long time ago (A fool who thought it came from Panama! 😉 ).

Having arrived in Puerto Lopez, I decided spontaniously to stay one night in Fragata Hostal which offered me a great deal on a single room. I spent the evening strolling across the town and along the beach. In the morning, I got on a bus to Machalilla National Park where I hiked the 5 km to Los Frailes Beach – the most beautiful beach in the whole country. Having spent the afternoon there, an Ecuadorian couple on their honeymoon offered me a ride to my next destination: Las Tunas Beach. There, I stayed in a really nice hostel directly at the beach. Viejamar had everything one desires for some relaxed days – nice rooms, a swimming pool, palm trees, loads of hammocks, and a delicious breakfast. Chill mode on! 🙂
Puerto Lopez Beach Bars Machalilla National Park Los Frailes Beach The nice couple that gave me a ride Hostel Viejamar Beach Walk
Having taken a look at the small surfer village Ayampe, I decided to go on to Montañita for the night. This one night led to maaaany more in the world’s best hostel Mamacucha where I met great people. The following days consisted of extreme hammocking, chilling in the social area, great food, surfing lessons, and stunning sunsets at the beach.
Hostel Mamacucha In the Streets of Montañita at Night Burrito Night @ Mamacucha Fabrice & Me Chillaxing in the Hammock Pancakes for Breakfast Sundowner