Hey there! I’m a German girl travelling the world with my backpack (start: January 2019). Originally, I’m from a small town in Thuringia (which is also called “the green heart of Germany”) but since my teenage years, discovering foreign places and cultures has been my favorite thing to do. After having studied in Passau, lived in Paris, New York City, Málaga, Stuttgart and Munich, I’ve decided to quit my job and say goodbye for now in order to explore the world some more. This time not only for an internship or a holiday but a an uncertain amount of time…

Until now, I have visited about 60 or 70 countries. I’ve always organized and financed all my travels myself. I still travel mainly on budget – if you can dream it, you can do it! Years of traveling tought me some important things – about the privilege of traveling, hard work and sacrificing. About the divercity of people, their possibilities and choices. I know that if it wasn’t for travel, I wouldn’t be the person I am now.
See the world, and if there are no like-minded people to go with you, go by yourself! Faith and common sense will keep you safe. You’ll see beauty that will make you breathless, meet people who will have a profound impact on your life, you will experience a lot (sometimes for the first time). Some might be bad, but that’s all part of the learning.
Walk around, get lost, talk to strangers, treat yourself, marvel at the beauty all around us!