11. – 17. Aug 2019
Puebla is just great! There is so much to see and do here (that’s why we stayed almost 1 week in this area). Oh, and the Airbnb was just really cool! 🙂 It is another colorful colonial city with many churches, museums, and a very nice pedestrian area. And not to forget the tunnels leading up to an incredible place full of murals and finally ending on top of a hill where two forts can be found.
Skulls & Skeletons everywhere Colorful Houses Street Art Our amazing Airbnb In the City Center at Night Through the Tunnels At the Fort on the Hill
The neighboring town Cholula is said to be one of the oldest settlements in México. That’s also the reason why one of the oldest monasteries is located in this city. Furthermore, one of the many churches there has been built on a hill in which ruins are situated. From up there, it is possible to see the two volcanoes Popocatépetl (active) and Iztaccíhuatl (not active). What an incredible view! 🙂
The Colorful Streets Walking up the Hill above the Pyramid View of the Volcanoes The Church on top of the Hill The Pyramid Ruins
Atlixco is known to have the best climate in the world for flowers, vegetables, and fruit to grow. It really is a gorgeous city! All over the place there are colorful flowers – especially at the main square and the street passing the monastery. Oh, and there is a hill with wonderful views that is not overly hard to climb.
Flowers and Decorations at the Main Square Amazing Views from above Walking in the Colorful, Flowery Streets Street Art
From Puebla we took a bus to Tlaxcala where we stayed for a night in Hostal Casa Coki in order to see the city and visit the closeby village Huamantla where the famous fair was taking place these days. Originally just chosen as a base, Tlaxcala turned out to be a nice town. We strolled around, took a look at the city center, and visited the bull ring.
Walking around Tlaxcala Coolm Sculptures The Bull Ring Murals
Finally having made it to Huamantla for the “noche que nadie duerme” (= the night when nobody sleeps), I was overwhelmed by the beauty of the decorated streets, the rugs made out of flowers and colorful powder, and the festive crowd. Every year in this night, the statue virgin is carried through the colorful street in a procession followed by thousands of people. It was such a unique and amazing experience that just cannot be explained in words…
The Saturday after that, bulls were released into the streets and people tried to provoke them. We went there, raced with the bulls but skipped the fight in the bull ring afterwards. The whole day, there were singing, dancing, and drinking Mexicans to be found in every corner of this small town. That’s also when we met Heike and Itze, two crazy Mexican girls we partied with. What a fun time! 🙂