23. – 26. June 2019
After having arrived in Cochabamba later than I thought, I had to walk around in order to find a hostel. Finally, I ended up in Jaguar House which was nice but overpriced. Having slept in, I took a walk around town with two other backpackers in the afternoon. We had lunch at the huge market and took the lift up the hill in order to see the highest Christ statue in the world and enjoy the view.
In the City Center Market Christ Views from the Cable Car
Having spent the night in another bus, I arrived in Sucre very early in the morning, and went straight to bed at the hostel Spanish Friends (nice & relaxed atmosphere). When I took a walk in the afternoon, I was overwhelmed by the beauty and elegancy of this city. It doesn’t seem to be South American at all! It’s so nice and quiet with its white houses, the serene churches, and the numerous green squares. Oh, and sunset is best watched from Recoleta up the hill!
The Neat Streets of Sucre Going up the Hill The Main Square Sunset at Recoleto
The next day, I went to the archeological park nearby where huge dinosaur footprints were found – the biggest ones worldwide. It was an amazing sight! Crazy to imagine that these giants lived here 86 million years ago!
Dinosaur Sceleton
In the afternoon, I climbed up to the bell tower of the church La Merced in order to enjoy the view before I went back to the hostel to chill, be on the phone and just put up my legs for a bit before leaving this marvelous capital of Bolivia in the morning.
Ringing the Bell above the City